Do you believe every thought that crosses your mind? I used to. Then two things happened. I experienced burnout. Not the professional burnout I had experienced in the past. This was different, it was neurodivergent burnout which was pretty shocking because I thought I was neurotypical. I am in the early days of exploring what being neurodivergent means personally and what it might mean professionally in terms of my future career. However it has been liberating in many ways, including the sense of relief that comes from accepting my brain is just wired differently. I am still going through a diagnosis process, but the indicators of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sensitivity Integration Disorder, Rejection Sensitivity Disorder and Neurodivergent Masking are showing up strongly in my screening tests.
The second thing that impacted me was the realization that I genuinely had the ability to choose my thoughts. Sound simple? Well maybe, but this realization landed along with the awareness that I was choosing way too many detrimental thoughts. Thoughts that impacted my mood. This was in turn having a negative impact on my mental, emotional, physical, spiritual health and well-being. So it was liberating to realize through both of these experiences that I was not ok. That I probably had not been ok for a long time BUT equally I could choose my thoughts which informed how I felt about this. So I chose the thought that I will be ok. Choosing my thoughts in this way empowers me to choose who I am and frees me from being in that place where my emotions rule my thoughts, actions, words, and behaviours.
In equine circles it is well known that working, playing, or just spending time with horses creates a mirroring experience. This occurs when our bodily sensations, thoughts and emotions are reflected back at us. I am currently following doctor’s advice to take some time out, to “give my mind a rest”. So I have been spending a lot of time with the herd. This time has been spent in ground work (training and games), animal husbandry (grooming and body work) and riding. The clarity that my time with the herd has provided me to get informed about myself has been phenomenally insightful and helpful because of the mirroring experience.
If you would like to learn more about mirroring and exploring your choices in life, please contact me to arrange a coaching or equine session on 0456728961 or