“Everything in the universe is now understood to be made out of energy; to our perception it appears physical and solid, yet in reality it is all energy and energies interact. When you interact in your environment you are both absorbing and sending energy at the same time…..The energy in your body is reflecting the energy around you because the atoms in your body are not only giving off energy, they are absorbing energy. Every living organism communicates with these vibrations” (Dr Bruce Lipton, Wisdom of Your Cells).
Have you ever walked into a room, with two or more people there and been on the alert even before you have consciously processed who is in the room? Their conversation might have lulled because you entered the room but your body senses something isn’t right, and your mind kicks in trying to figure out what is wrong and why! Science tells us that our bodies are constantly giving and receiving energy. This means we are communicating with our physical environment and other bodies (human and animal) on an energetic level.
In order to effectively communicate at the energetic level, we need to be self-aware. This includes noticing the sensations in the body. If we are not aware, grounded and connected to our body these sensations and the messages they carry cannot be deciphered. If our mind is filled with chatter or if our nervous system is in turmoil, we cannot tune into our body sensations to accurately determine if they are responses to our inner or external environment. This results in lack of clarity as to what is going on in life.
Dysregulated nervous systems, unresolved experiences and unexpressed emotions all generate toxic energies that create chaos, discomfort and eventually disease. We become driven by behaviours that are often unhealthy in our attempt to seek relief, comfort and safety. This is because when we experience sensations and emotions that are unpleasant or painful, we naturally try to seek relief from the discomfort. Without support and appropriate skills, we often seek relief by distraction, avoidance, resistance, denial, and projection. This leads us to abandon our body and suppress our emotions and sensations.
Even though our nervous system is created to return to equilibrium after a stressful encounter, if we don’t know how to calm our nervous systema or let sensations pass through the natural cycle of release, we won’t be able to, and each unresolved toxic experience builds up energetically over time. Disrupted sleep patterns, poor quality of life and personal relationships can all be indicators that we are holding onto ‘stuff’ in our body. Suppressing, ignoring or rationalizing won’t help. Our unprocessed emotions and unresolved experiences create patterns of energy that seek release.
If you would like to learn how Equine Informed Awareness (EIA) can support, you in learning how release discordant energies please reach out to Elizabeth who is a trained CEEL and AEFL practitioner.