There is a growing field of research exploring the energetic frequencies of emotions.  The work of Dr David Hawkins, MD, Ph.D, demonstrated that emotions have measurable energy and can quite literally either nurture or negate cell life.  In his book Power vs Force he explains how our individual energy level increases as we experience positive emotions.  

Every emotion has a purpose and a message, however staying in low energetic states (what we commonly call ‘negative’ emotional states) is detrimental to our physical health, our mental health and the overall quality of our life and relationships. 

When we experience the higher vibrational emotions such as joy, gratitude, happiness, love and peace our bodies feel light, and we enjoy being in our bodies experiencing the sensations associated with these emotions. 

When we experience the lower vibrational emotions such as shame, hate, regret and blame our bodies feel heavy and we often experience discomfort and sometimes pain.  We automatically seek relief through distractions, avoidance, resistance, denial and projection. We literally abandon our bodies when we engage in these strategies and the heavy energies get stuck in our bodies, on the cellular level and accumulate overtime.  

A good indicator we have accumulated these heavy energies is our level of reactiveness. We literally don’t have space for any more heavy energies to accumulate, so we become reactive – the body is literally protecting itself from any toxic energy when we react.  

Since 1991, the HeartMath Institute has developed reliable, scientifically validated tools that help people reduce and avoid stress while experiencing increased peace, satisfaction and self-security. Research at the HeartMath Institute shows that, adding heart to our daily activities and connections produces measurable benefits to our own and others’ well-being. Specific research has highlighted that horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a “coherent” heart rhythm (heart rate pattern) which explains why we may “feel better” when we are around them. . . studies have found that a coherent heart pattern or HRV is a robust measure of wellbeing and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy.

If you would like to explore Equine Informed Awareness on your personal life journey please reach out to Elizabeth who is a trained CEEL and AEFL practitioner.