Limbic resonance, or attunement, is a scientific term for the mutual exchange and internal adaption that occurs when two people harmonize their emotional state. The three main functions of the limbic system are emotions, memories and arousal/stimulation. Individually a healthy limbic system can be developed through meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, deep breathing exercises and being in nature.

These activities all help manage stress levels. The emerging science of neuro-leadership tells us that intelligence alone is insufficient for success which also requires harmony between the emotional and cognitive aspects of the mind. 

Science has long recognized that our brains and our nervous systems are not isolated, they are substantially impacted by the brains and nervous systems of those around us. Limbic resonance is a hidden super power we all have, and yet none of us are taught how to use or why it works.  Equine Informed Awareness teaches an awareness of limbic resonance.

Horses, like most creatures in nature, are in tune with their herd and their surroundings at the limbic level. Come and spend some time with a horse, you will be amazed at what you learn about how you show up in the world and how your mood and emotions influence and impact those around you! Learn more here.