Horses are often referred to as “mirrors of our human emotions”. What does this mean? It means that when our actions are motivated by ego (i.e. a desire to look good when we actually feel nervous) the horse will know!
The horse senses the fractured energy that is caused by incongruence. Incongruence is derived from a Latin word that means “inconsistent” or “not coming together”. Emotions are energy. When we act from a place of inconsistency we are not in energetic alignment and the horse, as a prey animal whose safety and survival relies on reading energetic signals, will move away from incongruence (danger) and towards authenticity (safety).
This can be confronting to experience, but is also empowering. The horse helps us identify when our thoughts, words and actions are not in alignment. When we are in alignment we are able to make decisions that connect with our authentic needs and wants. We can also identify behaviours that do not help us anymore, and consciously choose new behaviours that do support us.