What is Equine Informed Awareness (EIA)? Like many modalities that provide opportunity for horses and humans to interact EIA allows a safe space for clients to be in close proximity to horses without riding them.
A Washington Post article identified that there is an emerging body of scientific evidence indicating that interacting with horses improves health and well being and can help with numerous physical and mental health challenges. A great example of what a session looks like is can be viewed on You Tube. It is my mentor, the talented equestrian and EIA practitioner Franklin Levinson working with a young client and wonderful horse called Voo.
In my delivery of EIA I combine my practitioner training with my leadership and life coaching expertise to help clients improve their self-awareness to facilitate personal growth. If you would like to learn more about me and the way I work with clients I would like to invite you view a documentary detailing an EIA program I co-ordinated. The documentary was filmed and produced by a team of young people with disability who participated in the program and wanted to create a documentary to capture its value.
Like you, I have walked my life journey filled with stress and trauma. You might like to read my personal story as told in Horses, Heartache and Healing. Please contact me to request a free preview of the first chapter.
If you would like to experience how being in the presence of horses can improve your mindfulness, somatic awareness and assist your wellbeing please reach out to me. I am a trained CEEL and AEFL practitioner.